EP. 55: Correcting Nutrient Deficiency For Weight Loss And Overall Health
Did you know that 92% (9 out of 10) of us are deficient in one or more nutrients?
And that those who consume the fewest nutrients end up weighing the MOST?
It's counterintuitive, but true.
So if you're experiencing the "holiday bulge" like me, correcting your nutrient deficiency will make losing weight a LOT easier. It can also correct:
- Brain fog
- Hair loss
- Skin issues
- Anxiety and depression
- Fatigue
- Muscle Cramps
- Headaches
- Poor wound healing
- Dandruff
- Digestive distress
So in today's podcast, my handsome husband and I talk all about everything I've learned in the creation of my new online program geared toward correcting nutrient deficiency and cultivating vibrant health called Radiate in 28!!
(And as you'll hear...it was a LOT of research!)
Here's what you're in for:
- The definition of nutrient deficiency
- How many people suffer today
- The frightening consequences of nutrient deficiency
- The important roles of nutrients
- How to tell if you're deficient
- The nutrient deficiency responsible for up to 90,000 deaths each year
- The 12 reasons nutrient deficiency is rampant today
- Why the Recommended Daily Intakes (RDIs) are inadequate when it comes to monitoring nutrient intake
- How the RDA's and RDIs were created (truly fascinating!)
- Why food labels cannot be relied on
- The top 7 sources of American calories (this will SHOCK you!)
- How many pounds of sugar Americans are eating each day!
- What your genes have to do with how many nutrients you need
- Why eating MORE food does not always prevent nutrient deficiency
- 5 Common OTC medications that deplete nutrients
- The foods you need to eat to reduce your risk of cancer
- What the research says (and does not say) about the link between nutrient deficiency and obesity
- The nutrient deficiencies associated with obesity
- Whether you can "supplement" your way out of obesity
- Why some of the research exploring the link between nutrient deficiency and weight gain is misleading
- 3 ways nutrient deficiency makes weight gain effortless
- What you need to do if you want to lose weight
- Whether or not supplementation is necessary
- Which supplements I take every day to bolster my nutrient reserves
- The 10 steps you need to take to reverse nutrient deficiency
- 3 foods you need to eliminate to reduce your risk
- A 28 day program you can use to take your health to the next level (for ALMOST nothing!)
- And much more!
Grab your FREE Radiate in 28 Book here:
IGNITE TEA: Get my IGNITE TEA recipe here
New chapter daily Multivitamin:
Women's: http://amzn.to/2dnlOjH
Men's: http://amzn.to/2djcQZS
Ashwaghanda by Amish Herbs
Check out our Brand New 100% Grass Fed Organ Complex here:
Thanks for listening!
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