EP. 47: What the Science Says About Calories with Jonathan Bailor
Jonathan Bailor is a New York Times bestselling author and internationally recognized wellness expert who specializes in using modern science and technology to simplify health. Bailor has collaborated with top scientists for more than 10 years to analyze and apply over 1,300 studies. His work has been endorsed by top doctors and scientists from Harvard Medical School, Johns’ Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, and UCLA.
Despite what Jillian Michaels (who misunderstood his message and attacked him on her podcast!) has said, after spending 10+ years with his nose buried in the literature, he is a BRIMMING with insight and weight loss wisdom!
So if you, or someone you LOVE, is still being duped by the calorie myth, then please don't miss our 30 minute action-packed episode!
Here's what you're going to learn:
- Why we shouldn't count calories
- Why calorie math has been disproven in every trial ever done
- Why the food industry is driven to perpetuate the calorie myth
- Why food does NOT make us store fat (and what does)
- Why "natural" isn't always healthy
- The critical difference between weight loss and fat loss
- Why adequate protein promotes fat fat loss
- How protein helps build lean muscle tissue
- Why lean muscle tissue keeps your trim
- How much protein you need at each meal
- The food that should ALWAYS cover 50% of your plate
- The 4 factors that matter most for how a food is used by your body
- Why shopping at health food stores does not guarantee vibrant health
- And much more!
Check out Jonathan Bailor's website here:
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