EP. 35: The Link Between Grain and Chronic Pain
Dr. Peter Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas.
Often times referred to as "The Gluten Free Warrior", he is one of the most sought after
functional medicine doctors in the world. His practice is centered on helping those with painful
chronic degenerative and autoimmune diseases with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and
food allergies. Dr. Osborne received his doctorate from Texas Chiropractic College.
He is one of the world's leading authorities on gluten sensitivity, and lectures nationally to both the public as well as doctors on this and many other nutritionally related topics.
In this episode you'll learn:
- How he reversed rheumatoid arthritis in a girl that saved her life.
- How 46 million people have an autoimmune condition and what to do about it.
- How and why gluten causes leaky gut.
- Why traditional medicine can cause more harm than good.
- Why prescriptions are the #4 leading cause of death in America.
- Why rice and corn is also a major problem with our health.
- The list of grains to avoid for optimal health and healing.
- The 4 reasons why you may have an autoimmune condition.
- Plus more...
Check out Dr. Peter Osborne's Book, 'No Grain, No Pain' here:
Check out Dr. Peter Osborne's Site and shop here:
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