EP. 21: How To Heal Your Thyroid With Diet
Many Americans remain undiagnosed because current thyroid testing is inadequate.
What this means is that If you can't lose weight, experience mood issues, or have any of the symptoms above you may be suffering from a thyroid issue EVEN if your doc has told you otherwise.
Fortunately, Dr. Nikolas Hedberg is here to help! He is a Board Certified Naturopathic Physician, a Chiropractic Physician and Board Certified in Nutrition by the American Board of Clinical Nutrition.
He is also the founder of the Immune Restoration Center in Ashville, NC where he treats patients worldwide with conditions such as thyroid issues, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, depression, weight gain and digestive issues.
He is a wealth of information with all the answers to your thyroid issues so don't miss out!
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why the thyroid is critical to optimal health
- Common signs that you may have a thyroid condition
- The major causes of thyroid issues and how you can decrease your risk
- Why you may have a thyroid issue even if you TSH is “normal”
- Why the health of your gut is critical for thyroid function
- What you body type can tell you about your thyroid function
- What tests will help you adequately asses your thyroid function
- How to eat to optimize your thyroid function
- And much more!
Listen and share it with those you love and want to help achieve their health goals!
Check out Dr. Hedberg's website below:
Connect with Dr. Hedberg on Facebook:
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