EP. 19: How (And Why) To Kick Your Sugar Habit For Good With JJ Virgin
It's our 19th podcast with JJ Virgin, author of the Sugar Impact Diet!
JJ is a legend in the health space and after chatting with her, it's easy to see why. She knows her stuff! And she makes complicated concepts easy to understand.
In fact, she believes that valuable skill is her superpower.
Don't miss your chance to learn from the expert who has literally helped thousands of people kick sugar to the curb.
In this episode you'll learn:
- Why exercise cannot compensate for a poor diet
- Why agave is NOT a health food
- Which foods your body metabolizes just like sugar
- The most damaging sugar of all
- Why we all need to track our blood sugar and insulin response
- How much fruit you should be eating per day
- Why bloating after eating lots of fruit may be a GOOD thing
- How to kick your sugar habit for good, even if you've tried (and failed) a million times!
- And unlike most sugar elimination protocols, JJ's does NOT advocate eliminating sugar cold turkey. Instead, her program meets you where you are and allows you to taper gradually.
Check out JJ Vrigin's website here:
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