Transformation Tuesday EP5: How One Woman Overcame Breast Cancer Naturally
Luanne is a southern belle and mother of 3 who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. At that time, she was told by doctors that without surgery she would die. Despite her doctor's warnings, Luanne opted out of surgery and decided to forgo traditional treatment completely.
Today she is happy, healthy and cancer free!
She is also humble, wise, HONEST and brimming with insight that just may change your life! So listen to the podcast and learn all about her inspiring story and treatment protocol.
Here's are just a few of the juicy tidbits you're in for:
- What she believes contributed to her breast cancer diagnosis
- What is at the root of most disease
- The shockingly small percentage of women whose cancer is genetic
- What she did to determine whether or not chemotherapy would work for her
- Why she opted out of surgery
- Why she believes she was able to avoid chemotherapy
- The disappointing facts about traditional cancer therapy outcomes
- What her alternative protocol looked like
- Where she found affordable supportive supplements
- What she recommends for those who have cancer (or who have a family member with cancer!)
- The one food that is a HUGE contributing factor to most major diseases
- The important vitamin that played a huge role in her recovery
- The critical part of her treatment protocol that had nothing to do with diet or supplements (that most people fail to address!)
- An alternative breast cancer screening that lets you avoid the radiation in traditional mammograms
- What she thinks everyone needs to do to help prevent cancer and other diseases
- And much more!
There is no way to get all of the toxins out of our environments so I try not to stress over what I can't control.
However, over time I've gotten rid of of some of the toxins in my personal care products. I'm a big proponent of essential oils for use medicinally and as personal care products. I've researched a few companies such as Mountain Rose, NOW, DoTerra, and Eden's Garden. I like using the organic and usually order Mountain Rose products.
There are recipes online for making lotions, shampoos, deodorant, laundry detergent, toothpaste, etc without the chemicals we don't need.
Dr. Josh Axe, and Wellness Mama are two good sources for recipes. I haven't tried to do that yet but hope to in the near future. I do use an organic shampoo called Avalon, liquid soap from Mrs. Meyers, and Kiss My Face toothpaste. These products don't have parabens, triclosan, sodium laurel sulfate, or fluoride and can be ordered from Vitacost without having to pay shipping or tax.
Coconut oil is a great moisturizer, and I also found a company while I was in CA that makes lotions, body creams, and scrubs using only plant products.
Thanks for listening!
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