Transformation Tuesday EP1: How One Woman Transformed Her Child’s Health with Food
Today's interview was with Jennifer Redwitz all about the dramatic differences she experienced in her family's health with the Standard American Diet vs. the Paleo Diet and it's brimming with valuable insight!
Here's what you'll learn:
-What ditching the SAD did for her family
-The dietary changes that allowed her to get off of multiple prescription meds
-The food her pediatrician recommended that made her first baby sick
-The dietary changes that transformed her child's health
-How she got her family to accept the dietary changes
-How she dealt with her child's processed food addiction
-What she fed her second child that allowed her to thrive
-And much more!
Do yourself a favor, listen and effortlessly recommit to healthy decisions this week!
Email and connect with Jennifer here:
[email protected]
Thanks for listening!
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