EP71: The Healing Power of High Dose Vitamins with Dr. Andrew Saul
In case you're not familiar, Andrew W. Saul is the author of several books including Fire Your Doctor, Doctor Yourself and Vitamin C: The Real Story. He has 40 years of experience in natural health and education. His world famous, free access education website, [url=http://www.doctoryourself.com]http://www.doctoryourself.com[/url], is peer reviewed and the largest non-commercial natural health resource on the internet.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Who got Andrew interested in high dose vitamin therapy
- How his kids never took an antibiotic all the way through college
- How he cured his child's cough with vitamins
- What Orthomolecular Medicine is and why it's important
- Why your doctor isn't educated about vitamin therapy
- Which specific conditions can be treated with vitamin C
- How to take vitamin C to prevent illness
- The most effective forms of vitamin C
- How to find out how much vitamin C really need
- How many people vitamins have killed?
- How many people properly prescribed meds kill each year (this will SHOCK you!)
- Why a "plant-based" diet can mean many different things
- The one diet that he never recommends for children or the elderly
- The super vitamin that can cure schizophrenia
- Where to read research about vitamins for FREE
- The shortcoming of Linus Pauling's critics
- What Andrew takes each day to feel his best
- The type of vitamin C to take if you have a sensitive stomach
- And much more!
Here's 2 things you won't want to miss:
1. That Vitamin Movie Free screening!
2. Register for the free Vitamin Summit 2 on May 18-24th, 2017 here:
That Vitamin Summit – Attend Link
Connect with Dr. Andrew Saul here:
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