EP64: The Autoimmune Fix (and how to PREVENT it!) Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He is the founder of [url=http://www.thedr.com]http://www.thedr.com[/url], an author and just released a documentary series all about autoimmunity called Betrayal.
He is so committed to inspiring people to take back their health that it is PALPABLE.
I've honestly never interviewed anyone more informed or passionate.
So don't miss his wise words because they are truly life changing!
Here's what you'll learn:
- Which of his autoimmune antibodies were elevated!
- The #1 mechanism for getting sick and dying (hint: it's NOT cardiovascular disease!)
- Why America is ranked second (from the bottom) in terms of quality of life even though we spend more than on health care than any other country
- The most common triggers of autoimmune diseases
- The REAL problem with gluten
- The food 72% of his patients have elevated antibodies to
- Why you may be on the autoimmune spectrum even if you don't have symptoms
- How to find out if you're on the autoimmune spectrum before it's too late
- The best test for determining your place on the autoimmune spectrum
- The 2 OTHER reasons (besides gluten!) that wheat may lead to autoimmune disease
- Why there are 4 TIMES more people being diagnosed with Celiacs Disease (CD) than in the 1950's
- How we know that the increase in CD is NOT solely the result of better diagnostic tools
- The main reasons autoimmune rates are skyrocketing today
- Who develops intestinal permeability when they eat wheat
- Why depression is the most common symptom for those with Celiac Disease
- Why cereal grasses (found in many greens powders!) may be doing more harm than good
- How many antigens in wheat we test for vs. how many there REALLY are!
- The gene that can increase your risk of a vaccine injury
- How many toxic chemicals are found in the placental blood of newborns (this will shock you!)!
- 3 steps you can take today to stay off of the autoimmune spectrum
Check out Dr. Tom's website here:
Cyrex Labratories:
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