EP62: How to Prevent Heart Disease with Dr. Jack Wolfson
Did you know that more than 2200 people die EACH DAY from heart disease?
That's one every 40 seconds.
Perhaps even more sobering is the fact that 1/3 of all heart attacks present as sudden cardiac death.
That means Prevention. Is. EVERYTHING!
Which is exactly why we had Dr. Wolfson, the Paleo Cardiologist, on the show so he can teach us exactly how to do just that.
He is experienced, passionate and on a mission to alter the trajectory of their health through heart disease prevention.
Given the fact that heart disease is still considered our #1 killer in America, this is NOT the episode to miss.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why current heart disease treatments and protocols are inadequate
- Why getting your cholesterol as low as possible isn't the best way to prevent heart disease
- The dangers of extremely low cholesterol
- Why LDL cholesterol is not the disease causing culprit its believed to be
- Why he says statins are not necessary in his practice at all
- The population who will get ZERO benefit from statins
- The mechanism by which statins harm your brain
- The hypertensive drugs that increase your risk of cancer
- How to lower your blood pressure naturally
- The simple trick you can use to lower your risk of heart disease every day
- The vitamin that helps dramatically reduce blood pressure
- One of the most effective blood-pressure reducing foods
- Why nitrates and nitrites aren't the disease-causing culprits they're believed to be
- Why he calls aspirin "the biggest sham in pharmaceutical history!"
- The one indicator that you're NOT heart healthy
- Whether or not being thin, means you're heart healthy...
- Why diabetes is "just a label."
- Why elevated blood sugar is dangerous
- The blood sugar numbers that significantly decrease your risk or pretty much all diseases
- Why your insulin levels may increase after starting a paleo diet and why it's a GOOD sign
- Why dysfunctional HDL affects insulin levels
- What two met analyses (2010, 2015!) in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed about the link between saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease
- The incredibly important dietary strategy that most paleo adherents miss
- Which supplements help prevent heart disease
- The definition of an alcoholic
- And much more!
Check out Jane's website's here and use COUPON CODE: PALEOVALLEY for 20% OFF anything in their store
Thanks for listening!
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