EP. 40: The Missing Link for Vibrant Health with Dr. Lissa Rankin
Dr. Lissa Rankin is an integrative medicine physician, author, speaker, artist, and founder of the online health and wellness community OwningPink.com. Discouraged by our broken health-care system, Dr. Rankin set out to discover why some patients experience miraculous cures from seemingly incurable illnesses, while others remain sick even when they receive the best medical care. She is on a mission to put the "care" back in health care and has a fascinating story and research that will blow your mind!
Here's what you'll learn:
- What Dr. Rankin thinks is the #1 biggest risk factor in health
- Why the Spontaneous Remissions Project is important
- What those living longer lives have in common
- How she knew at 7 years old that she was born to be a doctor
- Why she knew she had to turn her back on the traditional medical system
- What the placebo and nocebo effects teach us about our ability to heal
- Why fake knee surgeries can be as effective as real surgeries
- The main factors affecting your health that most people NEVER think about
- How often Americans are in the stress response
- How we can activate our self-healing mechanisms
- Why your chronic repetitive stress WILL end in diagnosis if left unaddressed
Check out Lissa's Website here:
Check out Lissa's books here:
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