EP300: The Link Between Soil Microbes & Our Health with Dr. David Montgomery & Anne Biklé
According to research the nutrient levels in our food are on the decline. In fact, between 1940 - 1990, vegetables have lost…
- 24% magnesium
- 46% calcium
- 37% iron
- 76% copper
And meat has lost….
- 55% copper
- 50% iron
- 29% calcium
Why is this happening and what can we do about it?
You’ll have to tune into this week’s podcast with author and soil expert Dr. David Montgomery and Anne Biklé as they discuss the surprising causes and solutions for our nutrient-depleted food! Here are some of the highlights from our fascinating discussion:
- The major causes of land degradation
- Are organic foods more nutritious?
- The link between our soil and gut health
- Why soil microbes are important for human health
- The major problems with conventional agriculture
- How fertilizers create nutrient poor food
- The importance of phytochemicals for human health
- The main factor that determines a healthy farm
- Why what an animal eats affects its nutrient profile
- And so much more!
Please share this important information with anyone you think it could benefit.
Thanks for listening.
Valuable Resources:
Paleovalley Grass Fed Beef Sticks
>>> Support Regenerative Farmers + Enjoy all the health benefits of Paleovalley Grass Fed Beef Sticks HERE!
David Montgomery & Anne Biklé — Dig2Grow
>>> Learn more about this important work + Get their books HERE!
David R. Montgomery is a MacArthur Fellow and professor of geomorphology at the University of Washington. He is an internationally recognized geologist who studies the effects of geological processes on ecological systems and human societies. His work has been featured in documentary films, network and cable news, TV, and radio including NOVA, PBS NewsHour, Fox and Friends, and All Things Considered.
Anne Biklé is a science writer and public speaker focusing on the connections between people, plants, food, health, and the environment. She has been known to coax garden plants into rambunctious growth and nurse them back from the edge of death with her regenerative gardening practices. Her work has appeared in digital and print magazines, newspapers, and radio and her gardening practices have been featured in independent and documentary films.
Anne and David are married and live in Seattle, WA. Their work includes What Your Food Ate: How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim Our Health, and a trilogy of books about soil health, microbiomes, and farming—Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, The Hidden Half of Nature, and Growing a Revolution.
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