EP119: APOE4 & How to Prevent Alzheimer’s With Alex Swanson
Alex is the founder of Nutrition Genome and creator of the software Genetrition™! He is a second generation nutritionist and co-owner of Swanson Health Center, a private family clinical nutrition practice that has been in business for over 40 years. He's also the creator of the popular blog, The Health Beat. Alex is a Stanford trained epigenetic MASTER. He helped me understand that epigenetic testing (when it’s properly interpreted) is empowering because genes aren’t fixed. In fact, your genes are like light switches you can turn on and off depending on how you live your life.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Alex’s Story: 3:06
- Epigenetic’s Defined: 4:19
- What is APOE4?: 6:41
- The 3 types of Alzheimer’s: 9:50
- Other genes that are associated with Alzheimer’s and how to optimize them: 12:25
- How much exercise is enough: 14:45
- The foods that will reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s: 17:03
- How to use intermittent fasting to prevent Alzheimer’s: 30:22
- Whether the keto diet is helpful for those with Alzheimer’s: 33:17
- Supplements that may be beneficial: 38:15
- The supplement that detoxes aluminum: 40:02
- Lifestyle suggestions to avoid Alzheimer’s: 43:51
- How much exercise is enough: 46:02
- Detoxing with a sauna?: 49:05
- Connect with Alex: 50:14
- And so much more!
- Connect with Alex Here: https://nutritiongenome.com/
- Get you Gene's Tested Here: https://nutritiongenome.com/product/genetrition-dna-collection-kit-and-nutrition-genome-report/
- Check out Alex's previous podcast: https://paleovalley.com/podcast/ep92-the-best-first-step-for-vibrant-health-with-alex-swanson
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