EP. 45: The Profound Power of Diet for Autism & Childhood Behavioral Disorders
Because parenthood is hard enough, I felt compelled to find a baby nutrition expert who could help me delve further into the subject of the profound power of food for our little ones!
My research led me to the exceptional, Julie Matthews.
Julie is the author of Nourishing Hope for Autism. She has been researching the link between autism (and other childhood disorders like ADD!) and diet for over 12 years and has helped thousands of children and clinicians make the most of dietary intervention. According to Julie, pretty much EVERY child she works with sees improvements with dietary intervention.
Pretty impressive.
She is incredibly knowledgeable and super sweet! So if you or someone you know has little ones running around (especially with autism or ADD!) please listen to our 45th podcast with Julie Mathews, author of Nourishing Hope for Autism.
Even if you think (like I did!) that you're doing everything right!
Then share this powerful information with anyone and everyone you love so we can help give our children the very best chance they've got. They're already the first generation expected to live shorter lives than their parents.
Get your free book on Nourishing Hope's website here:
Check out Julie's Bioindividual website here:
Thanks for listening!
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