EP. 31: Creating & Nourishing Healthy, Happy Babies With Rochelle Serna!
Rochelle is the founder of Rochelleserna.com & creator of The Rose Method Fertility Cleanse & Baby's First Foods Program. She has a degree in Child & family development & a holds a certificate in nutritional therapy & transformational nutrition. Her heartfelt work is focused on fertility preparation, natural pregnancy support, & nourishing tools for babyhood.
She's not only incredibly passionate, but also super sweet with LOTS of healthy-baby-gems to share.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why you have so much power in the preconception phase
- The myriad benefits of breastfeeding
- How the nutrient density of a mothers diet affects her milk
- What to eat to improve a dwindling milk supply
- The best options for those who aren't breastfeeding
- Probiotic strains that are beneficial for baby
- The one formula to avoid at all costs
- The best time to introduce solid foods
- Which foods to avoid giving baby despite conventional wisdom
Check out Rochelle Serna's website here:
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