
Why I Keep Coconut Oil in Every Room, And You Should Too!

Coconut oil is nature’s little miracle. Known for its fat burning and cardiovascular benefits as well as its antifungal and antibacterial properties, pretty much everyone can benefit from its use. What many people don’t know, however, is that coconut oil’s utility extends far beyond the kitchen. But it does. In fact, here are 20 of my favorite reasons you need coconut oil handy at all times. These reasons are compliments of an article posted on Tip Hero entitled, “42 Reasons Why You Need Coconut Oil in Your Pantry at All Times.” View the full article here.

Health Uses:

Cold sores

Lip Balm

Reduce Dandruff


Bath & Beauty Uses:

Shaving Cream

Moisturize Your Skin

Hair Conditioner

Prevent Stretch Marks

Make-up Remover

Prevent Split Ends


Baby Uses:

Diaper Cream

Nipple Cream for Nursing

Get Rid of Cradle Cap

Teething Gel


Cleaning Uses:

Leather Polish

Remove Soap Scum

Wood Polish


Kitchen Uses:

Season Cast Iron Pans

Grease Baking Pans



Stop Sticky or Squeaky Hinges

Grease a Bicycle Chain


My take on this:

Hopefully this extensive (though not exhaustive) list helps you understand why I literally keep a small container of coconut oil handy in every room of my house! It helps to reduce the cost of household and personal care products and protects me and my family from exposure to unnecessary toxins and chemicals. I hope that you find it just as useful as I do.

Here’s to adopting coconut oil as your cure-all 😊