Transformation Tuesday EP2: How One Woman Healed Her Family And Her Autoimmune Disease
Just dropping by to let you know our 2nd Transformational Podcast is live! And this episode is all about how, our very own listener, Jill Samter healed her autoimmune disease and improved the health of her entire family with food!
Which is no small feat.
Because autoimmune diseases (except for Celiacs Disease) are technically "incurable."
Clearly, she's got a LOT of wisdom to share.
So take 20 minutes and have a listen! Her story is not only only incredibly inspiring, but it's also packed with practical tips for anyone trying to navigate a healthier lifestyle while raising a family.
Here's are some of the juicy tidbits you'll learn:
Why Jill went from raw food to vegan to Paleo
What a vegan diet did to her health
How she healed her autoimmune disease
How her children felt when they went from vegan to Paleo
The unanticipated positive benefit her children experienced from the addition of animal products
How she healed her children's guts
Why she thinks cereal breakfast is one of the biggest mistakes made in our culture
How her kids made the dietary transition without pushback
The food that finally got my one year old excited about eating
A fun, sneaky way to bolster your child's gut health
How to make drinking green juice fun for kids
Who did not support her children's new diet (this is shocking!)
A quick healthy recipe the kids love
A simple way to have healthy meals ready everyday
The one thing she wished she knew before her health journey
Check out Jill Samter's Website here:
Thanks for listening!
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