EP. 26: How To Exercise For Fat Loss & Longevity With Ben Greenfield
Ben Greenfield is a pretty big deal in health and fitness.
He is the author of the highly acclaimed book, Beyond Training. He was also voted one of the health industry's 100 most influential individuals and one of our country's top personal trainers. Did I mention he completes regularly in Ironman competitions?
He's an animal.
Best of all, he's the bearer of VERY good news if you're looking to be your fittest, most fabulous self, without spending hours at the gym.
And if we're honest....who doesn't want that?
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why excessive cardio is not heart-protective and can actually be dangerous
- Which form of exercise can actually INCREASE your appetite
- The best way to exercise for weight loss if you're over 40
- A simple trick you can use at day in your own home to increase longevity
- How to train for long term health AND fitness simultaneously
- And much more!
If you're spending countless hours at the gym doing exercise you loathe, please listen and share this podcast because there is a better way!
Check out Ben Greenfield's website here:
Thanks for listening!
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