EP245: From World Champion to Brain Cancer Conqueror with Alison Gannett
Imagine being a world champion skier, growing all of your own food and then being diagnosed with terminal malignant BRAIN CANCER and given 6 months to live.
That’s what happened to today’s podcast guest, oncology nutrition expert, Alison Gannett.
Fortunately, today (7 years later) she is healthy and teaching others how to conquer and prevent cancer using targeted diet and lifestyle strategies.
Cancer takes over 600,000 American lives each year and approximately 1 in 3 Americans will develop cancer.
It seems to touch all of us in some way.
So do yourself a favor and listen in for Alison’s incredible story, the steps she took to conquer cancer and steps you can take to possibly prevent cancer. Here are some of the fascinating topics we cover:
- How many hours a day she fasts (and the specific changes she sees in her labs)
- Why her vitamin C was poisoning her
- The common food that can drive cancer growth
- 3 simple steps that may prevent cancer
- The personality type associated with cancer
- Why the carnivore diet scares her
- The 3 main factors she thinks led to her cancer diagnosis
- The “healthy” dietary strategy she believes caused her cancer
- How to know if you need less protein
- The 5 minute daily practice that has helped her heal
- Why she doesn’t drink smoothies
- The paleo-approved flour that can be high in carbs
- Why keto can work for cancer
- The % of cancer cases negatively impacted by excess carbs (this will shock you!)
- Her favorite keto-approved sweetener
- The link between over exercise and cancer
- Why muscle soreness is not always a good thing
- Why training for a marathon isn’t always healthy
- The 5 labs to track to prevent cancer
- And so much more!
Please SHARE this podcast with everyone you think may benefit!
Valuable Resources:
Learn More About Alison’s Cancer Program HERE!
Get up to 24% OFF Keto-Friendly Grass Fed Beef Sticks HERE!
Alison Gannett was diagnosed with terminal malignant brain cancer in 2013, and given 6.8 months to live with standard of care. After a partially successful surgery, she found Dr. Nasha Winters, utilizing her metabolic approach and new treatments to reverse the root causes of her cancer. The radical changes to her diet and lifestyle, produced stunning results that confounded her doctors.
Alison specializes in customized oncology nutrition – adjunct support to prevent, manage, or conquer cancer. She is a keynote speaker around the globe on the topic of overcoming her terminal cancer and how others can reverse or prevent the root causes of the cancering process. Alison will complete her Ketogenic Nutrition Specialist course with American Nutrition Association in 2020. From 2014 onwards, she consults frequently with Dr. Nasha Winters, enabling continuous training in customized oncology nutrition. In 2014, she completed a year-long training with the Integrative Cancer Advocacy Network (ICAN), taught by In 2014, she completed a year-long training with the Integrative Cancer Advocacy Network (ICAN) program in 2014, taught by Dr. Nasha Winters. Formerly, she graduated Summa Cum Laude with Honors in 1987 with a Batchelor of Science from University of Vermont. She is currently one of only a handful of people that can book a consult on a client’s behalf with Dr. Nasha Winters for customized treatment protocols.
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