EP118: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Frequencies With Dr. Charles & Anna Penick
Dr. Charles and Anna became passionate about reducing EMF exposure when their nephew, Kicker, was diagnosed with cancer just before his third birthday. I attended their presentation on EMFs during the KICKCancER conference and I still cannot believe all the awesome tips and strategies I learned! My jaw was literally open the whole time.
So if you want to know:
- Why are Dr. Charles and Anna passionate about EMF: 2:47
- What EMFs are: 5:02
- The mechanism by which EMFs are harmful: 10:32
- The types of cancer that seem to correlate with EMF exposure: 15:08
- How to safely use your cell phone: 17:10
- How to measure EMFs in your own home: 21:02
- Why you should vacuum less: 24.04
- What about headphones?: 25:11
- Why kids are particularly vulnerable: 26:58
- Which type of baby monitors are the most dangerous: 28:07
- 3 EMF phone shields that actually work: See Show Notes
- 2 steps you can take to reduce the EMF load in your home: 33:01
- Where to go to escape EMF exposure: 37:40
- Supplements you can take to mitigate the exposure: 42:31
- Connect with Dr. Charles & Anna Penick: 43:32
Then drop what you’re doing and have a listen!
- Connect with Dr. Charles Penick: [email protected]
- Connect with Anna Penick: [email protected]
- Check out What Forbes had to say: https://bit.ly/2GsTznp
- 3 EMF phone shields that actually work:
- Pong: http://www.pongcase.com/
- Gia: https://bit.ly/2GIHHNp
- Defender Shield: https://bit.ly/1BI80JT
- Electromagnetics Sanctuaries: https://electroplague.com/sanctuaries/
Thanks for listening!
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