EP. 60: Revolutionizing Health with Fasting with Dr. Michael Mosley
Dr. Mosley trained as a doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in London and after qualifying joined the BBC as a trainee assistant producer. Over the last 25 years he has made numerous science and history documentaries for the BBC, first behind the camera, more recently as a presenter. He was executive producer of QED, Trust Me I’m a Doctor and Superhuman. He is also the author of the Fast Diet.
Dr. Mosley successfully reversed his type 2 diabetes by fasting and so if you have excess weight (especially around the middle), insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or unmet health goals than this is NOT the show to miss.
Here are sons of the other interesting things you'll lead:
- How to lose weight and boost brain function without changing your diet
- The empirically-supported benefits of intermittent fasting (IF)
- The different types of IF
- The history of fasting
- Which populations benefit from fasting
- What your waist circumference can tell you about whether or not you should be fasting
- Why fasting is beneficial EVEN when it's slightly stressful
- How to do a 5/2 fast
- How to fast and still eat EVERY day
- Why research has shown that IF is surprisingly EASIER (physically and psychologically!) than standards diets
- How IF helps you make healthier decisions
- Why you actually eat LESS the day after you fast
- Who should NOT be fasting
- Whether or not fasting triggers eating disorders
- How many food decisions you make each day (this will SHOCK you!)
- How you should approach your first days fasting for best results!
- One food that is really helpful on fasting days
- And much more!
Check out Dr. MIchael Mosley's website's here:
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