EP. 49: The Missing Link For Autoimmune Disease
Jessica Flanigan is an autoimmune Protocol leader and expert. She has been a clinical nutritionist for 20 years and exclusively assisting clients in AIP for over three years. She has worked extensively in private practice while also working alongside many practitioners including medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists and body workers. She is CEO of Nourishful Inc. and speaks around the country about the value of using illness as an opportunity.
Today's discussion is all about what she believes is the #1 reason some people are not able to put their autoimmune illness into remission even with comprehensive dietary intervention. She also has a unique dietary approach that she's perfected in her work with thousands of clients. So even if you think you've heard it ALL about autoimmune disease, I can guarantee you'll be fascinated by what she has to say.
Here's what you'll learn:
- What autoimmune diseases are
- Why an autoimmune diagnosis isn't always BAD news
- Why autoimmune disease is not being adequately addressed
- The treatment strategy that most autoimmune protocols are missing
- One step you can take to ensure you get the BEST care
- The importance of being in cooperation with your illness
- How to get out of victim mentality
- What trauma can do to your body
- The surprising best indicator of whether or not one can work through trauma
- The difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system dominance
- How trauma causes digestive issues.
- The one thing that gets us out of a autonomic dysfunction the FASTEST
- An exercise that helps you EXPERIENCE your thoughts transforming into biochemical realities
- How to locate limiting beliefs that could be harming your health
- A simple trick to help resolve interpersonal conflict
- The digestive issue that she sees in MOST people she works with
- The hidden factor she often finds in those who can't re-introduce foods
- Her unique dietary protocol for healing autoimmune disease
- The autoimmune protocol and paleo friendly foods she removes to help her client heal.
- The tests we should use to determine where we're at one the autoimmune spectrum
- The sacred paleo food that 1/3 of those she tests is sensitive to
- And much more!
Check out Jessica's website here:
Order Jessica's book on amazon here:
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