EP. 43: The Power of WHEN with sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus
In case you haven't heard of Dr. Breus he is a Clinical Psychologist and both a Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a Fellow of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Dr. Breus is on the clinical advisory board of The Dr. Oz Show and appears regularly on the show.
In his extensive studies and years of research, Dr. Breus has revealed that there are many different (and equally beneficial) sleep rhythms that can lead to optimal health. And that uncovering your sleep rhythm also helps you identify your best time to:
- Eat a cheeseburger
- Have sex
- Take a hike
- Ask your boss for a raise
- And much more!
Truly fascinating stuff. So take his quiz here and then listen to our 43rd podcast here to learn all about it!
Here are a few of the other fun tidbits you're in for:
-How many people struggle with sleep
-The detrimental effects of inadequate sleep (you NEED to hear this!)
-Why sleeping aids are not a great idea
-How Dr. Breus discovered chronotypes
-Four tips anyone can use to get better sleep
-A delicious nightly beverage that will help you get great sleep
-AND much more!
Check out Dr. Michael Breus' Site Here:
Take the FREE Sleeping Quiz Here:
Get Dr. Michael's book The Power Of When Book on Amazon here:
Thanks for listening!
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