EP. 41: GMOS, autism & autoimmunity with Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Today's show is all about the connection between Glyphosate, Autism and Autoimmunity!
And you don't want to miss it because autoimmune conditions and autism are both rising at alarming rates. In fact, heart disease and certain cancers are now believed to have an autoimmune component which makes autoimmune conditions America's deadliest diseases.
Dr. Seneff also believes autism may have an autoimmune component. And if her theory is correct, avoiding Glyphosate may be one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and add years to your life.
So don't miss this one!
It's truly a fascinating discussion and we did our very best to keep the information as simple as possible. Which was a tough job because Dr. Seneff is SO smart, but I think you'll be impressed.
Here's what you'll learn:
- How Dr. Seneff knew Glyphosate was playing a role in autism
- What Glyphosate is and where its found
- What common crops are sprayed with Glyphosate other than GMOs
- Why the allowable levels of Glyphosate used keeps rising
- What hidden long term studies reveal about the safety of Glyphosate
- Why roundup may actually be MORE dangerous than studies suggest
- Why Glyphosate exposure may be contributing to the development of autoimmunity
- How Glyphosate damages your gut
- Why Glyphosate contributes to antibiotic resistance
- The link between Glyphosate and autism
- Why Glyphosate may be making our vaccines toxic
- And much more!
Check out Dr. Stephanie Seneff's website here:
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