EP. 30: Clearing up the Cholesterol Controversy With Jimmy Moore
Jimmy Moore is an enthusiastic American blogger and author who is best known for his "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog and podcast, and more recently for his books on nutrition. He has appeared on television and radio programs promoting a high-fat, moderate protein, low carb diet plan.
He is very knowledgeable and his expertise will help you wade through the murky waters of the cholesterol controversy so don't miss out!
Here's what you'll learn.
- Why cholesterol has been demonized
- What the original research actually revealed about the dietary culprit in heart disease
- The many important functions of cholesterol
- What we should measure to prevent heart disease
- Which two foods significantly increase your risk of heart disease
- The devastating effects of statin drugs (could they actually increase the risk of heart disease?)
- Why the standards for total cholesterol are faulty
- What normal cholesterol numbers look like
- The one kind of food that can lower cholesterol
- The at-home test you can do to prevent heart disease
- What tests to ask your doctor about to
- accurately predict your risk for heart disease
- And MUCH more!
Check out Jimmy Moore's new book here:
Check out Jimmy's Moore's website here:
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