28 Signs Of Nutrient Deficiency & What To Do About It!
Did you know that 92% of Americans suffer from one or more nutrient deficiencies?
And, those who consume the fewest number of nutrients end up weighing the MOST?
Shocking, but true.
Today it has been found that a large number of people are nutrient deficient.
According to the USDA, Americans are:
90% potassium deficient
80% vitamin E deficient
70% calcium deficient
Nutritional professionals estimate that they are:
80% magnesium deficient
90% choline deficient
50% vitamin D deficient
According to research at Harvard University, 9 out of 10 suffer from omega 3 fatty acid deficiency which has been thought to be responsible for up to 90,000 deaths each year.
These are sobering statistics.
Often times, nutritional deficiencies are SILENT and may go unnoticed for months, or even years. In one study, volunteers who were depleted of B vitamins didn't exhibit noticeable signs until 200 days (almost 7 months) later. It's in these early stages that nutrient deficiency can present as nonspecific symptoms including:
Excess weight
Hair loss
Skin issues
Muscle cramps
Poor wound healing
Cognitive attention issues
Digestive distress
High blood pressure
High blood sugar
These types of symptoms don't necessarily get you a diagnosis, but can still significantly reduce the quality of your life. However, they often are early warning signs of nutrient deficiency. When left unaddressed, they can escalate into more serious health issues.
For example:
A quarter of the population who eats the fewest fruits and vegetables has double the cancer rate when compared with the quarter that eats the most fruits and vegetables.
Study after study has demonstrated that diets poor in vitamins and minerals are linked to degenerative diseases like heart disease and cancer.
As I mentioned earlier, those who take in the fewest nutrients, end up weighing the MOST while those who take in the most nutrients, weigh the least.
Moral of the story is...
Unaddressed nutrient deficiency can singlehandedly STEAL the vibrant health you deserve.
Fortunately, when you know what to look for and catch it in its early stages, it's often easy to correct. There's nothing I want more for you than VIBRANT health, so…
28 Signs You May Be Nutrient Deficient (and what to do about it)
1. Cracks around the corner of your mouth
Cracks in the corner of your mouth are associated with deficiencies in vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin).
To correct this deficiency, try a diet rich in organic leafy greens and high-quality animal products. You can also try nettle tea and our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex. Both are brimming with bio-available B vitamins.
2. A sore tongue
A sore tongue is often a sign of deficiencies in iron, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and B3 (niacin).
To correct a B vitamin deficiency, try wild tuna, salmon and sardines, pasture raised chicken and turkey, grass fed beef (try our 100% Grass-Fed Beef Sticks here), organic sweet potato, spinach, and chicken. You can also try nettle tea or our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex.
For an iron deficiency, focus on foods like grass-fed beef and liver. These contain a more bio-available form of iron than even plant sources like spinach, Swiss chard and sesame seeds. My favorite iron supplement is Floradix.
***Please only supplement with iron under the guidance of a health practitioner as high levels can be problematic.
3. Horizontal cracks & groves in your tongue
This symptom is associated with malabsorption, particularly of the B vitamins.
To correct a vitamin B deficiency, try high protein foods like wild salmon, sardines and tuna, pasture-raised chicken and turkey, grass-fed beef and liver, nettle tea, or our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex.
4. Dandruff
Many times dandruff is a sign of yeast overgrowth or a deficiency in vitamin B6, selenium or essential fatty acids. It could also indicate a food intolerance.
To correct these deficiencies, try the following steps:
B6: Consume a diet rich in wild salmon, sardines, tuna, grass-fed beef and liver, pasture-raised chicken and turkey, organic sweet potatoes, spinach and bananas. You might also try nettle tea and our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex.
Selenium: Try eating 3 Brazil nuts daily. Wild tuna, shrimp, sardines, salmon and grass-fed beef and pastured turkey are also great sources.
Essential fatty acids: Essential fatty acids are found in wild salmon and sardines, grass-fed beef, walnuts and flaxseeds. You may also want to supplement with a high-quality fish oil. Here's a great brand.
5. Veins close to surface on cheeks
This is often a sign of low hydrochloric acid (HCL) production. HCL, a.k.a. stomach acid, is important for a number of reasons including the breakdown of protein, the absorption of minerals and protection from pathogens.
To correct this deficiency, try taking 1 Tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar (with the Mother) diluted in 8 ounces of water. Drink this first thing in the morning AND 15 minutes before each meal. You may also want to try supplementing with Betaine with HCL.
6. A pale inside lower eyelid
This is often a sign of low iron status.
To correct this deficiency, try iron-rich foods like grass-fed red and lamb, wild sardines, olives, sesame seeds, spinach and Swiss chard. Note that animal products contain the most bio-available form of iron (meaning your body uses it more efficiently). Also try our 100% Grass Fed Organ Complex. You may want to taper endurance exercise as it can increase iron needs by 50%. It's best to consume your iron-rich meals with vitamin C as it enhances absorption (think papaya, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries).
7. Dark under eye circles
Dark circles under your eyes may be a sign of food allergies or intolerances. This happened to my sister. She had dark under eye circles almost daily until she eliminated gluten. To this day, whenever she eats it, they come back.
To correct this issue, try an elimination diet, my RADIATE IN 28 Kick Start program, or IgG food sensitivity testing. Note: this is different than IgE allergy testing.
8. Excess earwax
Excess earwax is often a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency.
To correct this, be sure to eat fatty fish like wild salmon, sardines, tuna and cod several times a week. Walnuts and flaxseeds are also excellent sources. It's always a GREAT idea to supplement with high-quality fish oil. Here's a great brand.
9. Leg Cramps
Leg cramps often signal a calcium and magnesium deficiency. They indicate that you're dehydrated.
To correct this deficiency, try magnesium-rich foods. Choose organic leafy greens like Swiss chard and spinach as well as, cashews and pumpkins seeds. Also include calcium-rich foods like sardines, sesame seeds, collard greens, beet greens, and mustard greens. Be sure to drink half your weight in pounds in ounces of filtered water every day.
10. Small, rough bumps on back of elbow
This can be a sign of vitamin B, A or essential fatty acid deficiency.
To correct this, try vitamin B rich foods like organic leafy greens and high-quality animal products (grass- fed beef and liver, pastured chicken and turkey, wild salmon). Include vitamin A rich foods like grass-fed liver (in our Organ Complex), wild shrimp, pastured eggs and organic sweet potatoes and carrots. And try adding omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like grass-fed beef (try our 100% Grass-Fed Beef Sticks), wild salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
11. Thinning outer 1/3 of your eyebrow
This symptom is often associated with a sluggish thyroid.
To help boost your thyroid, focus on foods like cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), Brazil nuts (high in selenium), sea veggies like seaweed and kelp, and chlorophyll (you can find this in our Organic Supergreens powder or a greens shake. Here's a great recipe. You'll also want to avoid gluten and soy.
12. Dry Hair
Dry hair is often associated with a deficiency of essential fatty acids.
To correct this deficiency, add fatty, wild fish such as salmon and sardines a few times each week. You'll want to supplement with high-quality fish oil. I love this brand.
13. Premature graying
Premature graying is often linked to a deficiency of vitamin B5.
To correct this deficiency, try organic mushrooms, avocado, broccoli, sweet potatoes and pastured chicken and turkey. You may also want to supplement with our 100% Grass Fed Organ Complex.
14. Hair loss
Hair loss can be a sign of B vitamin deficiency, fatty acid deficiency or vitamin A toxicity.
To correct this deficiency eat high-quality vitamin A and B-rich animal products like grass-fed beef, pastured chicken and turkey and wild fish every day.
15. Skin tags around neck, arms, and back
Skin tags can be a sign of dysregulated blood sugar and possible insulin resistance.
To correct this condition, avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates, processed food, fruit juice, dried fruit, sugary drinks, and caffeine. Focus on non-starchy vegetables (mushrooms, leeks, broccoli, spinach, leafy greens, tomatoes), high-quality fats (extra virgin coconut oil, avocado, sprouted nuts, and seeds) and high-quality protein at every meal. It's also wise to move and exercise regularly and reduce stress.
16. Acne
Acne can be a sign of zinc or vitamin A deficiency. It is also associated with low stomach acid production.
To correct these deficiencies focus on zinc-rich foods like grass-fed beef/lamb and sesame and pumpkin seeds, and/or vitamin-A rich foods like sweet grass-fed beef and liver, potatoes, and carrots.
To improve stomach acid production try 1 TBSP organic apple cider vinegar (with the Mother) diluted in 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning and 15 minutes before every meal. You may also want to supplement with Betaine.
17. Bleeding gums
Bleeding gums are associated with deficiencies of vitamin C and B9.
To correct these deficiencies, focus on vitamin C-rich foods like organic papaya, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and camu-camu berry (you can find this in our greens powder) and B9-rich foods like leafy greens and high-quality animal products.
18. Pale tongue
A pale tongue can be a sign of low iron.
To correct this deficiency, try iron-rich foods like grass-fed red and lamb, wild sardines and olives, sesame seeds, spinach and Swiss chard. Note that animal products contain a more bio-available form of iron (meaning your body uses it more efficiently).
You can also try our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex. You may want to taper endurance exercise as it can increase iron needs by 50%. It's also a great idea to consume your iron-rich meals with vitamin C which enhances absorption (papaya, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, strawberries).
19. Red tongue
A red tongue can indicate a B12 deficiency or methylation issues which mean you have trouble using vitamin B9.
To correct these deficiencies, focus on vitamin B-rich foods like high-quality animal products and leafy greens. You may also benefit from our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex and testing for the MTHFR genetic mutation. If you supplement with synthetic B vitamins, be sure they're in methylated form.
20. White lines in nails or hang nails
Both symptoms can indicate a zinc deficiency.
To correct this deficiency, focus on zinc-rich foods like grass fed beef/lamb and sesame and pumpkin seeds, spinach, cashews, chicken and mushrooms.
21. White coated tongue
A white coated tongue can indicate a yeast overgrowth or bacterial imbalance.
To correct a yeast issue, avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates, processed food, fruit juice, dried fruit, sugary drinks, and caffeine. Focus on non-starchy vegetables (mushrooms, leeks, broccoli, spinach, leafy greens, tomatoes), high quality fats (extra virgin coconut oil, avocado, sprouted nuts and seeds) and high quality protein at every meal. It would be wise to take a high quality probiotic (I love Prescript Assist) and consume fermented foods like raw sauerkraut and our 100% Grass-Fed Beef Sticks regularly.
22. Recurrent canker sores
This used to be my issue. It’s often associated with food sensitivity (sugar, citrus, gluten, specifically) and/or a deficiency of B vitamins.
Be sure to identify your food sensitivities through an elimination diet, my RADIATE IN 28 Program, or an IgG food sensitivity panel. You'll also want to consume vitamin-B rich foods like high quality animal products and leafy greens regularly. Supplementing with Lysine (an amino acid), nettle tea, and our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex can also help.
23. Rosacea
Rosacea is often a symptom of low stomach acid production (HCL).
To correct this deficiency, try 1 TBP or organic apple cider vinegar (with the Mother) diluted in 8 ounces of filtered water first thing in the morning and 15 minutes before each meal. You may also want to chew thoroughly and try Betaine with HCL supplementation.
24. Numbness or tingling in muscles
These symptoms can be a sign of B5 or B12 deficiency.
To correct these deficiencies, consume vitamin-B rich foods like grass-fed beef and liver and organic leafy greens. You may also want to supplement with our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex or a sublingual vitamin B supplement.
25. Loss of taste or smell
Loss of taste and smell may indicate a zinc deficiency.
To correct this deficiency focus on zinc-rich foods like grass fed beef/lamb and sesame and pumpkin seeds, spinach, cashews, chicken and mushroom.
26. Nosebleeds
Regular nosebleeds can indicate that you're low in vitamin C.
To correct this deficiency, focus on vitamin C-rich foods like papaya, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and oranges. You may also want to supplement with a whole food vitamin C powder, camu camu berry or amala berry (the richest sources of natural vitamin C). You can also try our Supergreens Powder which contain both.
27. Stretch marks
Stretch marks can be a result of a zinc deficiency.
To correct this deficiency focus on zinc-rich foods like grass fed beef/lamb and sesame and pumpkin seeds, spinach, cashews, chicken and mushroom.
28. Cracked lips
Cracked lips can be a sign of B12 deficiency or yeast overgrowth.
For B12 deficiency focus on B12-rich foods like grass fed liver, beef and wild salmon and sardines. You may also want to supplement with our 100% Grass-Fed Organ Complex or a sublingual or liposomal B12.
If you suspect you have yeast overgrowth, avoid refined sugar and carbohydrates, processed food, fruit juice, dried fruit, sugary drinks, and caffeine. Focus on non-starchy vegetables (mushrooms, leeks, broccoli, spinach, leafy greens, tomatoes), high quality fats (extra virgin coconut oil, avocado, sprouted nuts and seeds) and high quality protein at every meal. You may also need to use anti-yeast herbs and a probiotic.
You'll also need to note that the nutrient content of foods varies by QUALITY. So, if you're looking to supercharge your nutrient status, be sure to choose organic fruits and vegetables, organic and sprouted nuts and seeds and high quality animal products (grass-fed, pasture raised and wild). Be sure your foods are as fresh as possible (eat local!) and avoid overcooking as it can significantly decrease the nutrient content.
It's important to note that nutrient deficiency is not only the result of not eating enough vitamin and mineral-rich foods, but can also be the result of:
Inadequate Digestion
Leaky Gut
Inborn errors of metabolism
Drugs that deplete nutrients (birth control, heartburn medications, statins, etc.)
Bio-availability issues
Environmental pollution
If you've identified one (or more) nutrient deficiencies and would like to learn how to overcome them (and prevent them in the future), try my NEW 28-day program, RADIATE IN 28.
It was designed specifically to prevent and correct nutrient deficiency, optimize digestion, burn fat and help you feel empowered about your health.
After 6 months of preparation, it is FINALLY ready!
Whatever you do, remain vigilant and TUNED in to your body's helpful feedback. In doing so you can be aware of the subtle signs of nutrient deficiency before they erupt (yes, just like a volcano!) into serious health issues.
No one needs that! 😊
Join the RADIATE IN 28 program today so you can start feeling your most vibrant and radiant self!