EP. 17: Why You Need a Healthy Gut with Donna Gates
Donna Gates is the international best-selling author of The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity, The Body Ecology Guide to Growing Young: and the Anti Aging Wisdom for Every Generation. She has been on a mission to change the way that the worlds eats for over 20 years and is a respected authority on digestive health and nutrition. No one is more passionate about the gut than Donna Gates and we are incredibly privileged to speak with her during our 17th podcast episode.
This episode is brimming juicy tidbits so if you have a gut, don't miss it!
Here's what you'll learn:
- What inspired Donna to go on a mission to change the way the world eats
- Why she brought the sweetener stevia to America
- Why she was considered a crazy person in the beginning of her career
- What are the biggest threats to the health of our guts today
- How the way you were born affects your gut health
- Why most babies are born with yeast infections
- Why it pays to be a conscious parent
- What to feed your baby to ignite a preference for healthy foods
- Who should be eating fermented foods
- How to make your own fermented veggies
- Any easy way to cure constipation
- Why some mothers feel better than ever after giving birth
- And much more!
Check out Dr. Stephanie Seneff's website here:
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