EP. 02: Sally Fallon On 4 Essential Health Principles of Thrive Traditional Cultures
Listen as Sally Fallon, founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, discusses how a dentist's trip around the world taught us more about proper nutrition than almost any other expert. She also provides important information about why one of today's most popular dietary strategies can be damaging to you (and your child's) health.
Tune in to learn about the sacred foods that kept indigenous cultures thriving, why eating high quality animal products is essential for optimal health, and what you can do to today begin cultivating vibrant health!
Click the link below to check out Sally's Flagship Book Entitled:
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats
View On Amazon
Click the link below to check out Sally's Amazing Baby Book Entitled:
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care
View On Amazon
Visit the Weston Price website below to see their upcoming event:
Wise Traditions 16th Annual Conference
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