Holistic Nutritionist Uncovers 8 Medically-Supported Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar...

Inside: How women over 40 can crush cravings, lose weight, and keep it off for good
Senior Wellness Expert By Autumn Smith and Founder of Paleovalley

These annoying issues can stress out women every single day:

  1. Losing and regaining the same 20 pounds over and over again…
  2. Feeling occasionally uncomfortable bloating, gas, or other digestive issues...
  3. Fighting a never-ending battle with cravings…
  4. And feeling tired out and depleted from doing everything...

But new breakthrough research -- on 8 powerful benefits of apple cider vinegar -- is actually helping women over 40…

Lose more weight and keep it off…

Ease occasional uncomfortable digestive problems…

Support maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels and energy…

And actually switch off their desire to overeat…

Without following ultra-restrictive diets or excessively tiring exercise plans.

But more importantly, you’ll see the real reason why most apple cider vinegar products harm your long-term health, make digestive issues worse, and trigger bloating…

And by the end of this article, you’ll get a simple 4-step checklist you need to choose the healthiest, safest apple cider vinegar to give you the best results.

Imagine feeling free from the occasional discomfort of digestive problems…

Feeling confident in your weight loss journey…

And holding onto that “young energy,” no matter what age you are.

Not only will you feel better, but your family will also thank you for taking your health seriously.

But before we dive in, you need to know some quick background…

My name is Autumn Smith...

And before I became a celebrity fitness trainer for stars like Jennifer Lopez, a certified holistic nutritionist, and the co-founder of Paleovalley...

My health was in shambles.

During my teens and twenties, I struggled with painful digestive problems, mental health issues, and a complete lack of vitality.

No doctor or specialist could fix my problems.

I felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel…

So I know what it’s like to get off-track with your health.

Luckily, one of the game-changers for me was finding the RIGHT type of apple cider vinegar

And it’s not just me, because apple cider vinegar helps thousands of women over 40 everyday.

But before I reveal the type that works best…

Here are 8 medically-backed benefits of apple cider vinegar:

1.) Helps support sustainable weight loss at any age

As women get older, it becomes more difficult to lose weight. And even worse than losing it, it can feel impossible to keep it off.

Most women say it feels like they regain the same 20 pounds over and over.

Of course food plays a primary role in weight loss... 

And when you eat, your body converts any calories it doesn't need into something called “triglycerides.”

These triglycerides are like little pockets of fatty acids, and they get stored away in your fat cells.1

These triglycerides can cause a huge buildup of extra fat that sticks around for a long time… But there’s one method that might actually reduce triglyceride levels.

A study on overweight Japanese women revealed that vinegar can reduce triglyceride levels significantly2

And this is the reason why apple cider vinegar helps with losing weight and keeping it off… But when researchers gave it to a group of volunteers, they couldn't believe how effective it was:

Research in the Journal of Functional Foods compared two groups -- one that supplemented with apple cider vinegar daily and one that didn’t.3

After this controlled, randomized trial…

Researchers discovered that apple cider vinegar significantly reduced bodyweight, body mass index scores, and even hip circumference.

In only 12 weeks, the apple cider vinegar group lost 8.8 pounds… Which was almost 4 pounds more than the group that didn’t use apple cider vinegar.

Even the world-renowned University of Chicago says, “apple cider vinegar may help boost weight loss”4...

So that extra fat hanging over your waistband might not stick around after using apple cider vinegar every day.

2.) It can reduce junk food cravings

Are you someone who heads to the refrigerator every time you're bored? Or can't resist grabbing that bag of potato chips in your cabinet, until it's gone?

Well you're in luck... because a straightforward study led by researcher Dr. Solelah analyzed how apple cider vinegar can suppress appetite.5

Scientists tested multiple patients who were considered medically overweight or obese in the study…

And they found that supplementing apple cider vinegar decreased their “appetite score” more than the control group.

This means that the apple cider vinegar controlled their cravings, and this actually makes a lot of sense.

There’s a central mechanism in your brain that controls your appetite. Basically, this little mechanism tells you when you are hungry.

But an “acetate” ingredient in apple cider vinegar can help control this appetite center in your brain… Which explains why apple cider vinegar works as a healthy appetite suppressant.6

Another study tested 11 subjects who took vinegar with a high-carb meal. They found that, for the rest of the day…

The participants automatically consumed 200-275 LESS calories!7

And as you know, those junk food cravings are a huge roadblock to losing weight and actually keeping it off.

But using apple cider vinegar every day might actually switch off your desire to eat those sugary, starchy foods.

3.) Eases occasional digestive problems and promotes a healthy gut

If you ever feel bloated and gassy, you know how uncomfortable it is...

And a lot of women over 40 struggle with digestive issues.

But luckily, apple cider vinegar might be able to help.

When you feel bloated and gassy…it may be because the bad bacteria in your body is migrating into your small intestine.8

When that bad bacteria sits in your small intestine, the digestive system grows out of balance and digestion gets slower and less effective. This causes some general discomfort and irritation.

But in a 2018 study, scientists discovered that apple cider vinegar can actually starve those bad bacteria cells…9

Meaning the bad bacteria dies, leaving more room for healthy bacteria and restoring normal balance within the microbiome.

So instead of feeling bloated, gassy, and uncomfortable…

Apple cider vinegar might help you feel lighter, healthier, and slimmer…

And keep your gut and digestive system in optimal health..

4.) Reduces discomfort from heartburn and acid reflux

Many people swear by using apple cider vinegar for occasional heartburn… But you might be wondering if this actually works. So let’s think about it...

Heartburn usually starts right after eating.

The heartburn is often caused from your stomach not breaking down the food well enough. When the acidity is too low in your stomach, it becomes even harder.

Since apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, it can actually increase your stomach acidity.10

The extra acidity helps break down the food…

And this can reduce the chance of that heartburn feeling later on.

So using apple cider vinegar to aid digestion isn't just a home-remedy. It makes a lot of scientific sense.

Apple cider vinegar won’t cure any serious reflux diseases like GERD, but dozens of people swear by using it for occasional heartburn...

So adding it to your daily diet might reduce that after-dinner heartburn after all. 

Give it a try!

5.) It can help give your skin a younger “glow”

Dry can skin makes it impossible to look young and vibrant.

As women get older, they turn to lotions and moisturizers… Hoping to revive that younger glow.

But according to The Best Practice Advocacy Centre, dry skin occurs because the underlying tissue starts to thin out.11

When that first layer of tissue thins out, your skin can’t hold water and moisture the way it once did. This is what causes that dryness and itchiness associated with aging.

But the renowned health researcher Cynthia Holzapfel says that topical apple cider vinegar can actually relieve that dry, itchy, aging skin.12

So even though scientists are still researching this topic… If you use apple cider vinegar every single day…

Your skin might actually look a bit younger. Try it!

6.) It supports a healthy blood sugar balance

If you feel tired all the time, get frequent headaches, or find it hard to concentrate… You could be dealing with unstable blood sugar levels.

Luckily, apple cider vinegar can help with that too!

There’s a primary ingredient in apple cider vinegar called “acetic acid”...

And when added to a person’s diet, acetic acid can actually help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

In a randomized, controlled study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

Researchers studied 12 participants after eating a meal with an apple cider vinegar supplement. The study discovered that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helped moderate blood sugar after 15-30 minutes...13

And another 2004 study used subjects who showed prediabetic symptoms and subjects without symptoms… Then, recorded their blood sugar responses after ingesting vinegar with their meal.14

To the researchers’ surprise, the response for all three groups improved!

This study shows that ingesting apple cider vinegar helps maintain a healthy blood sugar balance…

And to make this even clearer…

One of the top medical schools in the country, University of Chicago Medicine, said…

“Apple cider vinegar can help with blood sugar control”15...

So there’s a lot of concrete evidence suggesting apple cider vinegar is key for a healthy blood sugar balance.

7.) It’s packed with a special “heart-helping” antioxidant

You’ve likely heard of antioxidants and how important they are…

But researchers at the University of Glasgow found a special antioxidant that is living in apple cider…

And it might be linked to supporting heart health.

These little antioxidants are called “phenolics.”

In this study, researchers analyzed the phenolic levels in 54 different types of apples and ciders.

The leading researcher, Dr. Serena Marks, reported that the apples used to make cider have a much higher concentration of phenolics…

Which means that apple cider vinegar is actually packed with this special antioxidant.

The researchers then found 12 participants to test this hypothesis. They analyzed the blood of participants who added the 500mL of apple cider to their diet and the participants who didn’t.16

After 3 years of testing, Dr. Serena Marks concluded that adding apple cider to your diet can be an excellent source of phenolics17

Now it’s important to note that these studies are only performed in a lab. So, in no way are these phenolic antioxidants a magic protector against disease…

But if there’s any way to promote a healthy heart and body, why not do it?

8.) Supports a healthy immune system

Immune system health is on everyone’s mind...

And apple cider vinegar might also help support a healthy immune system… So here’s how it works:

In addition to acetic acid, there’s another important component in apple cider vinegar.

This component is something called the “mother” -- a little group of healthy bacteria and enzymes in the apple cider vinegar.

When you ingest this little group of good bacteria, it works as a probiotic in your body.

If you’ve heard of probiotics, then you know how helpful they are.

The National Institutes of Health explicitly says that probiotics can “influence your body’s immune response”18...

And in a 2011 study, researchers found that probiotics can help regulate the function of immune cells19

So that little group of good bacteria in apple cider vinegar, called the “mother,” can help promote a healthy immune system.

And aside from the “mother” working as an immune-supporting probiotic, there is also a concentration of Vitamin C in apple cider vinegar.

In a 2017 study, the University of Otago found that we need more Vitamin C in our diet than we once thought...

And since apple cider vinegar contributes Vitamin C, it’s a great way to keep your immune system flushed with this important nutrient.

Supporting a healthy immune system is crucial, and the right type of apple cider vinegar can help you do that.

After learning and testing these incredible benefits of apple cider vinegar…

I couldn’t get this one burning question out of my mind:

If apple cider vinegar really helps women lose weight, improve digestion, and fight cravings…

Why is it that 41.2% of American women are still overweight and unhealthy?20

After letting this question linger…

I decided to dive deep into research-mode and figure it out!

Reading hundreds of studies and speaking with multiple doctors and researchers, I finally discovered…

Why most apple cider vinegar doesn’t work...

See, apple cider vinegar has been around for quite some time.21

The Greek and Roman empires would sour apples for their fruity wines, and soon enough… That concoction became "cider."

From there, people passed these recipes around the world.

But apple cider vinegar hit the mainstream in our society only a few years ago.

At first, health experts directed people to take a shot of apple cider vinegar every day for the best results.

Although that helped many people...

3 major issues popped up when taking apple cider vinegar as a liquid "shot"...

First, a study published in the Clinical Laboratory found that liquid apple cider vinegar can erode part of the tooth enamel by 16 percent.22

So even if those shots improve your health... You might end up at the dentist's office in a few years with some serious problems.

And if not taken correctly, apple cider vinegar can be bad for your esophagus.

Since apple cider vinegar is acidic, taking it as a shot can actually cause irritation in your throat.23

So for this reason, liquid apple cider vinegar in "shot" form still isn’t your best bet.

And lastly, a shot of liquid apple cider vinegar tastes horrible!

Some people say they actually "cringe after every swallow"... and that doesn't sound very fun to me...

So once people figured out that taking "shots" of liquid apple cider vinegar wasn't the best option...

The supplement companies swooped in to make some money.

Dozens of apple cider vinegar pills and supplements hit the market, and the results were not good...

See, apple cider vinegar has one main active ingredient.

This active ingredient is "acetic acid," and it's the reason for all those lovely health benefits.

But if there's not enough acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar products, you won't feel any results.

And if there is too much acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar products, the results can be dangerous.

So when these pills and supplements hit the mainstream...

Some companies barely put any apple cider vinegar in their products...

And others overloaded them with harmful ingredients.

A few apple cider vinegar products actually contain...

  1. Added sugar, which Harvard says can cause high blood pressure24...
  2. Harmful color dyes, which researchers link to certain cancers25, and...
  3. Stearate additives, which can lead to increased risk of heart disease25...

And to make things worse, some apple cider vinegar products stopped using real apple cider vinegar all together!

But this doesn't change the fact that apple cider vinegar, in the correct doses, and in the safest forms...

Can support weight loss, ease digestive issues, maintain a healthy blood sugar balance, and switch off your desire to overeat…

Without following ultra-restrictive diets or excessively tiring exercise plans.

That means that using the RIGHT type of apple cider vinegar might help you feel more confident, healthy, and energized.

So now it brings up an important question:

How can you tell which type of apple cider vinegar is the safest, healthiest option?

After reviewing hundreds of clinical studies and working with thousands of clients in the world of natural health...

I've created an easy 4-step check-list you need to determine the safest, healthiest apple cider vinegar products...

1. Does it have dangerous and unnecessary artificial colors, flavors, or chemicals?
2. Does it have any unhealthy stimulants?
3. Is it made with real, organic apple cider vinegar?
4. Are the acetic acid levels safe and perfectly dosed?

If an apple cider vinegar product doesn't volunteer this information, it's not that safe to use...

But if they do check off these four important points, the results can be powerful for your health.

Since I have yet to see any products that actually follow these crucial guidelines...

I decided to take matters into my own hands. My team and I at Paleovalley created the first apple cider vinegar product that…

  1. Helps support weight loss
  2. Eases occasional bloating, gas, and digestive problems
  3. Supports a healthy blood sugar balance
  4. Helps switch off your desire to overeat

Without the...

  1. Terrible taste of liquid apple cider vinegar...
  2. Artificial flavors, colors, or ingredients...
  3. Unsafe doses and stimulants...
  4. Other concerning side effects..

In fact, my husband and I founded Paleovalley with a couple of our close friends and family...

And we've spent 7 years changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people using our products.

The only reason we are able to do that is because we ensure all our products are natural, clean, and free of harmful preservatives.

We’d like to introduce our official…


Apple Cider Vinegar Complex

...The first organic form of apple cider vinegar that helps support weight loss, eases digestive issues, helps balance blood sugar levels, and helps crush junk food cravings...

Without any harmful chemicals, colors, flavors, or ingredients...

Inside Apple Cider Vinegar Complex, you’ll find only 5 active ingredients, listed right on the bottle…

So you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

Each of these ingredients are natural and sourced from certified organic whole foods, the way nature intended.

And they set our Apple Cider Vinegar Complex apart from anything else on the market.

See Today’s Special Deal

Get 30% OFF and free shipping by clicking the “See Today’s Special Offer” button.

Because in addition to all the benefits you just heard about, you'll also get…

  1. Turmeric root (organic), that’s been shown to boost brain function and support a healthy inflammation response26
  2. Ginger root (organic), which is a wonderful adaptogenic herb that can help support digestion and a healthy inflammation response27
  3. Lemon fruit (organic), for a healthy immune system28
  4. Ceylon Cinnamon bark (organic), for helping maintain healthy blood sugar29...

And the fifth ingredient is our natural, organic apple cider vinegar.

Plus, Paleovalley makes all products with “fair-trade” and “environment friendly” guidelines.

That way, you actually feel good about using our products.

This Apple Cider Vinegar Complex is made in a lab that is third party certified to produce supplements in compliance with FDA regulations called cGMP...

So you know every ingredient is safe, properly identified, weighed with precision, and tested to meet our stringent quality specifications.

And as a thank you for taking the time to learn all about Apple Cider Vinegar’s benefits today, we have a special offer for you. 

Right now you have the chance to stock up and save on your order of Paleovalley Apple Cider Vinegar Complex. 

We want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to take control of their health which is why we’re currently offering 30% off of our stock up bundle plus FREE SHIPPING!

But you can only access this discount through this page, right here, right now. 

So if you’re interested in harnessing the natural power of Apple Cider Vinegar to help lose weight and keep it off, ease digestive issues, support safe blood sugar levels, and crush junk food cravings…

Imagine if you could set yourself free from the never-ending weight loss “hamster wheel”…

Remove the discomfort of occasional digestive issues…

And know you are contributing to your good health for years to come.

This Apple Cider Vinegar Complex is the first step in doing just that.

So congratulations on taking this huge leap for your health today…

Simply click the button below to get started with Paleovalley’s Apple Cider Vinegar Complex and see what ACV (and the additional 4 organic superfoods) can do for you…

See Today’s Special Deal

Get 30% OFF and free shipping by clicking the “See Today’s Special Offer” button.